In Iceland they keep a Nordic tradition of eating sustainable food inspired by local culinary heritage. Locally sourced ingredients are in the heart of each restaurant thanks to the local farmers nurturing the old ways of food production. Saltfish would be a good example of such practice. The cod salted, dried in an open rig by the seaside can’t be compared with the one put in dehydrator. So, you see the secret of high quality is simple - experience and know-how of generations, optimized by new technology based on renewable energy. Another example is sea salt. It was produced for a few decades in the 18th century, but in 2011 making of sustainable, hand harvested salt in Iceland was re-established with the same methods as before, using geothermal energy. Now the salt is blended with different kinds of herbs, berries and kelp, resulting in more variety for gourmets. It seems to be difficult to keep a balance between sustainability and profitability. Iceland shows an inspiring example, maybe the rest of the world can learn from it?