The "May It Bee" event marked an incredible gathering of minds and spirits in the picturesque setting of the Yacht Club de Monaco. Over three days, our journey into sustainability was not only educational but deeply inspiring, reflecting a collective commitment to preserving our natural world and fostering an inclusive society.

Day 1: Immersive Experience Aboard the Blue Clipper The event set sail with an extraordinary visit to the traditional sailing vessel, Blue Clipper, docked at the Yacht Club de Monaco. This beautiful ship served as more than just a symbol of maritime heritage; it was a dynamic classroom showcasing sustainable tourism. We extend our deepest gratitude to the Yacht Club de Monaco and the Prince Albert II Foundation for their support in this initiative, which aligns with SDG 14: Life Below Water, emphasizing the conservation and sustainable use of our oceans.
Launch of Blue Schools of Sustainability During our time aboard the Blue Clipper, we proudly launched the Blue Schools of Sustainability initiative. This program underscores our dedication to biodiversity, especially the essential role bees play in ecosystems, and highlights our commitment to inclusivity by targeting educational outreach towards children from marginalized families. By blending traditional maritime practices with a progressive sustainability curriculum, we aim to prepare our youth to become conscientious environmental stewards, supporting SDG 4: Quality Education.

Day 2: Sustainable Practices and Educational Insights Our second day began with a session on sustainable sailing techniques, followed by a networking brunch with sustainably sourced local cuisine. The afternoon featured a profound educational tour at the Pelagos Sanctuary, led by Patrice Garziglia. Attendees gained insights into marine biodiversity conservation and the sanctuary's critical role in the Mediterranean, enhancing our understanding of responsible and sustainable marine practices.

Day 3: Sustainable Cities Panel Discussion The event culminated with the "May It Bee Enlightening Panel" on Sustainable Cities, superbly moderated by Edward Glanville from The Economist. Esteemed panelists including Kazumi Ogawa from UN-Habitat, Davide Paladino from Victor discussing sustainable aviation fuels, Dr. Preet Deep Singh from Invest India, and Romain Ciarlet from the Prince Albert II Foundation, shared their expertise on integrating sustainable practices within urban settings. This discussion illuminated the necessary steps for creating livable, resilient urban spaces.
Heartfelt Thanks and Invitation to Learn More We are profoundly grateful to everyone who participated in making the "May It Bee" event a success. Your enthusiasm for sustainable development and dedication to environmental stewardship help push our collective efforts forward. For those who could not join us or wish to revisit the informative sessions, we invite you to follow the link to our detailed recap of each day:

Thank you again to all attendees, speakers, and sponsors. Your participation is vital as we navigate towards a sustainable and inclusive future. Together, we are laying the groundwork for a world where every individual is empowered to contribute to the health of our planet.
Stay engaged and continue to support impactful environmental action!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3