COP 28
Conference in Dubai 2023 about climate change
The 28th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 28) will take place from November 30 to December 12, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Key Takeaways COP 28 Dubai
Future-Fit Education and Legislation: Insights from Economist Impact COP29 Sustainability Week
The Economist Impact COP29 Sustainability Week brought together global leaders, innovators, and visionaries committed to shaping a sustainable future. Among the various topics discussed, the role of education and legislative frameworks in fostering future-ready...
MonAsia’s Contribution to The Economist Event: Countdown to COP 29 in Amsterdam
Last week, MonAsia was honored to participate in The Economist’s Countdown to COP 29 event, which took place in Amsterdam, a city globally recognized for its forward-thinking approach to sustainability. Our Executive Director, Anastasiia Lutcenko was invited to join a...
Why Cathedral Thinking is Crucial in the 21st Century: Embracing Strategic Design for Systemic Wellness in Building Sustainable Cities
The idea that our purpose on Earth is to enhance its beauty for future generations—to leave behind a legacy that inspires awe, much like the Mont Saint Michel or Chartres Cathedral—resonates deeply in our current era. This perspective, often referred to as "cathedral...
Exploring MonAsia’s highlights from COP28!
Exploring MonAsia's highlightsfrom COP28! Gratitude to all stakeholders for engaging in valuable and impactful discussions.#COP28#ClimateAction @cop28uaeofficial @economistimpact @economistimpact @fondationprincealbert2
Cop28 | “Building the cities of tomorrow, today.”
Embracing Global Collaboration: COP 28 Insights Today was an incredible journey into the global dialogue on sustainable development at the @theeconomistevents_ Economist Impact event, "Building the cities of tomorrow, today." Honored to represent Monasia among...
COP28 #Day2 | OceanInnovatorsPlatform
#COP28 #Day2 #OceanInnovatorsPlatform @fondationprincealbert2 @cop28uaeofficial We are glad to share the highlights of the incredible evening at the Jameel Arts Centre for the Ocean Innovators Platform, an initiative promoting entrepreneurship, innovation, and...
Urgent Message from UN Secretary-General António Guterres
Urgent Message from UN Secretary-General António Guterres, "This year has seen communities around the world pounded by fires, floods, and searing temperatures... Record global heating should send shivers down the spines of world leaders. And it should trigger them to...
Inaugural day of COP 28
@cop28uaeofficial and the Ocean Innovators Platform side event hosted by the Prince Albert Il of Monaco Foundation @fondationprincealbert2. A privilege to engage in impactful discussions and gain insights that will shape the trajectory towards a sustainable blue...